Yes, I Do Artist Talks and other Trivial Stuff

Okay so this isn’t something that I push very hard but it HAS come up quite a few times recently–yes, I do artist talks. I know, ack. But in fact I have done a quite a few speaking engagements in the past, sometimes to pretty amazing audiences. Once I addressed the entire company of Blackbaud with their CEO, Mike Gianoni. Me and Morning Joe, who dropped by to look at some of my photos in the Blackbaud HQ!

Then later I spoke at their BBCon convention as well as gave a keynote to BBCon Pacific, which was awesome.  Here is a little teaser of part of what I covered in that show:

Sometimes people get excited about the talks and do stories. I blanch at publicity or exposure, even if it’s small potatoes.

But what I DON’T shy away from is telling the story of what I have witnessed around the world in my photojournalism and filmmaking career. In light of current geopolitical events, it’s probably more important than ever to tell the stories of justice and human resilience. Keep the faith!