Yesterday I wrapped shooting a project in Zimbabwe and literally as I was putting my cameras away was introduced to this 16-year-old boy, Tawanda. As an orphan, Tawanda was taken in by his uncle, who eventually became unable to afford to care for the boy. Rather than finding an acceptable solution, his uncle doused Tawanda with kerosene and lit him on fire in hopes of killing him and doing away with his dilemma. But Tawanda, 12 at the time, rolled in the sand and survived, only find that he was horrifically burned on his chest and torso. He is in great distress.
His caregivers asked me if there was any way I could help Tawanda. I’m hoping this photograph will do so. After hearing from Dr. John Bergman all the way in Minneapolis, it seems like these growths are Hypertrophic Scars, or also Keloidal Scars that are not treatable other than by surgical removal. Often when removed more growths return. A plastic surgeon is required to treat. If you know of someone who is seriously willing to help (either by financing the trip to a medical facility or know of a doctor in that part of the world that would see him at low or no cost), please comment here or contact me directly and we’ll put them in touch with the caregivers.
I will post more photographs from Zimbabwe (including some extremely compelling ones of victims of Mugaba-inflicted violence) in about a week after I get the film back. For another perspective on the trip, check out Greg Urquhart’s blog (Greg and I traveled together on this project).
I am Amy Wysong I am Tawanda’s sponsor and have spent time at Borrowdale on a couple of different occasions in addition to spending a few days at a retreat with Tawanda. My husband and I have watched the progression of his scarring in the past two years and had been told that he was being taken care of by specialists. I have finally managed to get to the facts rather than the legend regarding his medical treatment’s progress. Tatenda has spent some time as our guest on a couple of different occassions when he was in the states. I just returned Monday from Zim and informed Tatenda that my husband and I were prepared to pursue treatment for Tawanda in the States and host him while he is here. I am a stay at home mother with two children in full time school so I would be able to take him to appts and take care of him in recovery, as well as educate him while he is here. I am just beginning the process of getting him here and you responded to an email from Samantha Frazier yesterday with tons of useful information. I would really like to get together over the phone if you are not from anywhere near Indiana or in person if you are local. I would like to pick your brain for ideas and any other assist you can offer. The more I know, and the more help I have, the quicker we can get him here and it is getting worse each time i see him. Thank You for all of this. God bless you for your contribution to His Kingdom!
Amy, We have also met Twanda and have been concerned about his care for some time. Have you been able to coordinate anything for him since you post April 8, 2010?