As usual, there is a story behind the story. Particularly in regards to Malibu. Of course, everyone who has been to this place has a story. Let me give you the bare bones of mine with hopes that it will reconnect you to yours and help you feel like you are back at camp–all with the not-so-subtle hopes that you will buy a print of the place to help kids hear the greatest story ever told.
In the early 1970s, my father, Mike, became Malibu’s property manager and moved the family up to every boy’s dream home. I was just a couple of years old. I loved running around this place and feeling like I had the God of the universe as my guide. I formed a perspective on life there that shaped all of who I am today. I will never forget the sights and sounds of the place. And if I could smell (which I can’t), the scents.
At any rate, when my wife and I went back this summer as adult guests I was able to put my eyes on both the old and the new of Malibu, and with my camera I tried to capture some of the scope and grandeur of the place. Here’s what you should know–for every wide iconic view I shot a series of photos using only my 85mm lens, shot wide open, on my Nikon D4. I then put the images together for something that I really don’t think has ever been tried or done before at Malibu. The result is a labor of love from that time and place that I hope you will fall in love with as well. Here’s to Malibu!