July 7-21 I shot video for World Vision in Mozambique, Africa. This assignment was with WV’s 30 Hour Famine for their annual Study Tour, a trip I’ve now done five years in a row. This was a great trip, great kids, and great stories. Below are six images from the collection of stills I took, which you can see in full online. All film, some color, some black and white.
The Magic Bus
The evening of July 2, 2009 Greg Urquhart and I were driving downtown in Colorado Springs and came across a broken down bus. It caught my attention and we went back the next day with a bag of bagels and hung out with these guys for an hour. They graciously allowed me inside to photograph a slice of their lives. Six of them were on the bus waiting to get it fixed, while the rest of their group of 16 were making their way down to New Mexico for a music festival. I shot only two frames of color and wished I had shot more of it, but I love the black and white as well. Good luck on your journey guys!
As promised, I have posted a few photographs from the India trip. You can get the full meal deal on my web site. Just don’t let the curry foul up your stomach.
Vote (early and often)
I just got back from India and Nepal with Kyle Jackson and Kristian Anderson. Cool trip. Will post more photographs, but for now, please vote for the one below to win the World in Focus travel photo contest presented by National Geographic Traveler and Photo District News.