Living Analog in a Digital World

This summer I bought a piece of art at the Crested Butte Art Fair from a guy named Anthony Hansen. I loved the simplicity and beauty of it–two things that I try to bring to my photography. It got me thinking about images I have shot along the way that are just so…well, analog in such a digital world. Since I shot many of these images on old-school film, it seemed like it could be a fun idea to pull a show together that I am calling Living Analog in a Digital World. Below are a few dozen of the images (there are more, believe me) pulled from the collection. I am in talks right now with a few galleries and places where the show will hit. More soon on that. Meanwhile, enjoy this little glimpse into a simple and beautiful world…

Wahl Story is Released!

For the last year it has been my pleasure to work with Erik and Tasha Wahl in telling the incredible story of their lives and business success. Wahl Story is the culmination of many interviews, photo sessions, and times hanging out with the Wahls. I count it as some of my best work, ever. I know you will enjoy thumbing through and reading the book that The War of Art author Steven Pressfield calls “What a piece of work! … Really amazing.” And he’s right. Story is the authorized inside’s look at the man, show and revolution that asks us to believe. For those willing to take that risk, life as we know it will be over, and a new chapter will begin. Learn more about who Erik Wahl is and what he and Tasha are doing

Rock Chalk!

Once a Jayhawk, always a Jayhawk they say. This month and running through the fall semester at the University of Kansas, I am following Barb Kinney as the “Alumni Photographer” at the William Allen White School of Journalism and Mass Communications, my alma mater.

This ultra cool gallery show consists of 25 14″ x 18″ black and white prints that I have made from my portfolio of some of the hardest-hit areas of the world that I have been to over the last eight years. Each photograph features people and situations that tell a story of what life is really like all over the world and show people overcoming oppression and injustice. I think this show will both humble and inspire people.

I’d love for you to stop in and see them if you are anywhere near Lawrence, Kansas. More info on this show and events surrounding it this fall will be posted soon!

Celebrity Portrait Series: Bradley Cooper

Today I had the Olympics going in the background at my office and heard a trailer come on for a movie called The Words. I took a look and saw a shot of the lead guy, Bradley Cooper, that made me think of a shot I took of him a few years back at a ONE red-carpet event that I shot. Hope the movie is good! Here he is:


A few weeks ago I went on an assignment with International Justice Mission to do two stories in Uganda on illegal property seizure and one in Kenya on police brutality. They were fascinating. I just finished the story of Grace, an IJM client who was forced from her land.

IJM intervened, and after a great deal of effort succeeded in restoring Grace and her family to her land. The land itself was unbelievably gorgeous. Simple and remote, but the kind of place that screams “Africa” and affords her and her children a safe place to live and a decent shot at a future full of promise. This woman has a great story. She is tough. She is full of courage. And yes, she is full of grace. What a great name for her, and what an inspiration to me. Thanks IJM, and thanks Grace, for letting me step on that land and become a part of this story…