Niger 2014

In February I was on assignment with Mercy Corps in Niger (incidentally, you might recall my going to Central Africa Republic with them the summer before last. C.A.R. has been pretty hot and, sadly, in the news again). At any rate, Niger was an awesome trip and afforded me the chance to not only shoot some really great stuff for Mercy Corps but also to be impressed yet again by their work in the field. Nicely done Mercy Corps!

A man descends into a well in order to make much-needed repairs. Filangue, Niger, February 19, 2014. Taken with funds provided by Mercy Corps.
A man descends into a well in order to make much-needed repairs. Filangue, Niger, February 19, 2014. Taken with funds provided by Mercy Corps.

To see more images from this amazing shoot, check out this little slideshow: