One of the highlights of 2010 for me was going to India with International Justice Mission (with Amy Roth and Amy Lucia—the Amys—so fun) to make a film about their work in Mumbai and Kolkata (the film is nearly done and will be posted here in the near future). I had been to India before and was not all that impressed (dirty, smoggy, hot, crowded, forced to eat sheep brain, etc.) but let me tell you this trip changed all that for me, especially being in Kolkata (I even managed to pray with the Sisters of Charity at Mother Teresa’s “Mother House”). I found Kolkata to be the keeper of all things cool and vintage India—Kolkata was, in a word, AWESOME.
At any rate, I put together a little slideshow of images and hope that you find it revealing, both in terms of IJM’s combating forced-sex-trade work and of India herself. Oh, and for a detailed trip report (probably the finest trip report of any trip I have ever been on) check out Amy Lucia’s blog on her experience. Very cool. And I think I would be remiss without thanking the IJM India staff—you were great. Thanks IJM. I love you guys (especially the driver in Kolkata). Stay classy!