Evelyn Rose Louise Sheridan

Born at 1:25 am June 24, 2010 in a waterbath at the Sheridan’s house on Cascade Avenue in Colorado Springs.

Evelyn Rose Louise Sheridan. At home on our bed; 2 hours and 13 minutes old; still connected to umbilical cord. She is just as God made her here.

Evelyn’s esophagus did not develop as expected, so today she had a surgery to correct it. It went well. Check her new blog for more information about her journey!

Evelyn Rose Louise Sheridan. A day and a half old, post operation.
Evelyn Rose Louise Sheridan. A day and a half old, post operation. Doing really well all things considered!

Here is a slideshow of her first two days…

2 Replies to “Evelyn Rose Louise Sheridan”

  1. She is absolutely beautiful!! Thinking of you all! I’m here for anything if you need me!! Can’t wait to meet her in person. xoxoxo Caren

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