A few weeks ago I was asked to shoot some photographs at a captain’s practice for the Colorado College Tiger Ice Hockey team. The entire time I was shooting I kept seeing how cool the ceiling of the practice facility was, and how dark it was in there and how interesting the lights were on the ice. I thought it was a great chance to shoot something cool there. So maybe I didn’t get too many great hockey shots…but did I ever get some kind of surreal looking shots of the players just kind of ghosting over the ice, and it was fun tricking out these images to play that up. At least it’s a different take–and hopefully a good one–on the same old stuff that has been shot thousands of times…very typical of how I would approach a scene: how can I shoot this to tie everything together in a way that perhaps hasn’t be done before? How can I capture something special in an otherwise kind of ordinary setting? That’s what I am thinking here.