With gallery showings, radio shows, and signing events this week, I have been asked to put a “primer” up on my book Testimony Africa. Here goes:
–It is a 150-page coffee table book with 60 black and white photographs. It reads very much like the classic National Geographic magazine feature article (only longer and, hopefully, better!). To my knowledge, there is not another book out there like it.
–Through the eyes of three young people, the large issues of AIDS, hunger and war become personal.
–The “miracle” of transformational development is the “glue” that runs through the entire book. Despite difficult topics, it is HOPEFUL and ENGAGING!
I’d love to put a signed copy in your hands. To learn more or to order, go to the book home page. You can also see all the Testimony Africa posts on this blog by going to the category page–it contains reviews, movies, and all kinds of cool updates if you are interested.