Formspring Me!

A few months ago I had the chance to take a couple of portrait shots of the founders of this amazing little startup called It’s a cool little application you can use to let people ask you any question they want. Ask ME something. Anyhow, here are a couple photos of the main dudes over there:

I used my trusty Nikon F5 and Kodak film.


Last month I was privileged to accompany International Justice Mission President and CEO Gary Haugen, along with several other IJM staff and donors, on a tour of their work in Cambodia and the Philippines. It was a remarkable trip, and being with these folks was, in short, amazing. Nikon provided me with a D3 and several lenses; I shot the entire trip on that body and IJM’s D700. Here are a few selects (note: none of the people in this short film are IJM clients):

Thanks to everyone at IJM for a great trip!

Crown It

Update: Crowns film is done!

I just had a great trip to Rwanda. The first part of the trip was to help Karisimbi Business Partners get some stuff shot and also to hang with the Urquhart family. That was a good time. Along the way I did some shooting for International Justice Mission. That was equally good. I have some cool photographs of those two shoots but will save those for later.

The remainder and bulk of the time was spent with World Vision and a group called Casting Crowns. This was my third shoot in Rwanda and the country looks better and better all the time. One of the highlights was seeing my friend Emmanuel at the Murambi Genocide Memorial outside of Butare. It had been five years since I had seen him (and taken a photograph of him that made its way into Smithsonian Magazine (see “Testimony Africa,” which is now at the printer and will be ready in September. More on that soon.) Here is a slide-show of some of the photographs. The full Casting Crowns movie will be ready in mid July.

Cover Girl

When I shot and wrote for Compassion after the earthquake in Haiti, I came across a lovely scene in a Compassion project where a woman was holding her hands up to the sky in thanks to God. I knew right then it was a special photograph, and I am glad Compassion saw it that way too and used it for the cover of their new magazine. Here is the non-cropped black and white version:

Be sure to click the link above and see the three stories inside the magazine I shot and wrote as well!

The DR

Each year I try to make some of my time available for a project that could either use a little help or afford me the chance to be involved in something larger than my own little world. Although my paid work often does just that, it’s normally a completely different experience for me if there is not a “client” watching me closely. So a few weeks ago I had the chance to go to the Dominican Republic for a week with some friends from my church and help do some construction at a place called Mission Emanuel. We also visited a leper colony, a first for me. It was an outstanding trip! I did take my camera and got a few shots off everywhere I went. Here is a sampling:

For those of you who want to see more, check out the slideshow below…