
A few weeks ago I went on an assignment with International Justice Mission to do two stories in Uganda on illegal property seizure and one in Kenya on police brutality. They were fascinating. I just finished the story of Grace, an IJM client who was forced from her land.

IJM intervened, and after a great deal of effort succeeded in restoring Grace and her family to her land. The land itself was unbelievably gorgeous. Simple and remote, but the kind of place that screams “Africa” and affords her and her children a safe place to live and a decent shot at a future full of promise. This woman has a great story. She is tough. She is full of courage. And yes, she is full of grace. What a great name for her, and what an inspiration to me. Thanks IJM, and thanks Grace, for letting me step on that land and become a part of this story…



The Nunk

I’ve known Doug Nuenke for a long time, ever since I was a freshman at the University of Kansas. He’s a good guy. So after he became president of the The Navigators a few years back it has been fun to call him Mr. President and give him a hard time about being a big whig. He hates it and keeps telling me he is NOT a big whig. But we all know better. Here is a photo I took of him at Glen Eyrie back in April. Go get ’em Doctor.

Home for Home

The one for one model made famous by Tom’s is spreading. A few months back a group in Denver called Second Story Homes asked me to put together a quick slideshow for a model they are employing using homes, not shoes. I did all the photography in this piece except for the Samaritan’s Purse photos in the middle section–those were donated and used by permission from S.P. Now go get your dream home!

Good News From a Distant Land

Yesterday I got this photograph from Brian Sytsma at World Vision, who was with me on the Testimony Africa trip in which we interviewed Babirye, one of the “heroes” of the book (she is in the middle). I had sent the book long ago, but as is usually the case in communications between here and Africa, it took some time before ever finding out if it actually made it there. I am so glad to see that it did, and that she is all smiles and doing well. Thank you Brian, and thanks to all of you who have supported the Testimony work!


Lately I have been asked to shoot the Colorado College Tiger hockey team. Love it. Very fun assignments, and I appreciate doing something different than getting on a plane and flying to Africa. Here is an image from last weekend, where CC (who is ranked #6 nationally) beat St. Cloud here in Colorado. The shot below is of a CC goal. Click the photo to get the big fat image!