Lebanon Part Three

Forgotten about the war refugees from Syria? Please don’t. There are roughly 1.5 million in Lebanon alone. That’s about the number of people living in Dallas, to give you an idea of what this looks like.

Earlier this year I did a repeat visit to the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon with Medical Teams International to follow up on stories I have been doing with them on Syrian war refugees. It was another eye-opening shoot…the realities of conflict and war continue to make life REALLY hard for so many people in this region of the world. I hope these photos shed some light on both the problems they face, and their incredible resiliency. I hope these portraits give you an idea of who some of these incredible people are…

Compassion in Thailand

Finally posting about a trip I took several months ago with Compassion International to northern Thailand, an area I had not been to but was duly impressed with. And of course Compassion’s work was fantastic. Here are several shots from the trip:


Cambodia with Medical Teams International

I love traveling with Medical Teams International because their medical training and interventions are so darn tangible and easy to see and support. Nice work MTI–you are making a huge difference in Cambodia!


World Humanitarian Day Heroes

Big day today in the nonprofit world…it’s World Humanitarian Day and a great day to showcase a few of these Heroes in action. Here we go (click on any photo to see what nonprofit I was shooting for and what the scene entails!):



Continuing the theme of posting Water Mission shoot photos, the last I am going to do now in this series is a trip I did to Tanzania a few months back. Tanzania is one of the few countries in sub-saharan East Africa that I had not already been to, so I was excited to see a new part of that continent.

I thoroughly enjoyed this country and found the highlands to be one of the most peaceful places I have ever been to. And of course, the WMI work was fantastic, helping so many people have access to safe, clean water. It certainly makes me thankful for the clean water I have in my own home. See their work in the field for yourself: