Praying for Lunch

In May of this year I was asked to shoot for a few hours at the Colorado Prayer Luncheon at the Colorado Events Center in Denver. Aside from shooting at the DNC before Obama was elected (I will post some of that stuff later) it was fun to a.) shoot indoors, and b.) shoot photojournalist stuff of political and other figures. Good times.

Pinecrest Lake

This past weekend our family joined Linette’s relatives to spread the ashes of her grandmother Ruth. It was a meaningful time. I managed to take a few digital photographs on my Nikon D200 of some of our down time. Here are a few.



The world has never seen a “trifecta” of ongoing disease, political upheaval and famine concentrated on one continent in such extremity as it has in Sub-Saharan Africa over the last generation. Despite billions of dollars of aid and development poured into the continent, a compelling case can be made that Africa is no better off, perhaps even worse. Or is it, really? Through the power of compelling pictures and gripping first-person narrative, Testimony Africa shows the full truth of Africa’s most severe poverty through the first person stories of three young Africans and the hope that is surfacing in their lives to change the world around them — and Africa herself.This is the remarkable story of three ordinary Africans struggling against AIDS, genocide, and hunger, all while portraying the hope they have for their lives and the world around them through the miracle of transformational development. For the last year, I have been writing this book and am in Taos the rest of this week working on it. I will post regular updates on how the work is coming, when and by whom it will be published, and how you can get it. Stay tuned, and visit the Testimony:Africa web site for more information.

Bombers 2009

This winter Linette and I enrolled Henry in a learn-to-ski program called Breckenridge Bombers. For six Saturdays, I (or our carpool friends) drove three kids to Breck for Bombers. I had a great time getting up before dawn and going up to Breck with him. By the end of the season, he was doing great! Here is a typical day:

I took these photographs with my Nikon N80.

Sean Sheridan Photography Blog Launch

I can’t tell you how many people have told me that they want me to take them with me on a trip. I can’t take everyone of course, but hopefully this blog will give you a vicarious experience of what I see. So hop on board. We’ll update as we go.