Just a few photos from the Burkina trip. Nikon F5 with Tri-X film.
Burkina Faso in Color
A Cold and Rainy Paris
Stopped by Paris on my way to an assignment in Africa; saw a couple of cool shots. Nikon F5 with Tri-X; gritty! I never seem to get tired of shooting in this city…
Catching up on posting a few images from 2010 trips, which proved to be a busy year. These are a few shots of various people and places around Guatemala from a May 2010 assignment. I used my trusty Nikon F5 and Tri-X 400 film. Still really love doing that. Next post will likely be film from latest trips to Paris, Burkina Faso, and Kenya. Stay tuned for that.
Testimony’s Work Continues…

The Testimony vision is that the development work will continue and live on long after my involvement in it is done. Isn’t that the true mark of sustainable development, that it is not dependent upon those, or the money, who initiate it? That it lives on through the recipients?
Anyhow, a good example of this is Rhoda, one of the people in the book. A few years ago I had a massive layover at the airport in Nairobi. I went outside to get some air. I heard a voice call my name and turned around. It was Rhoda. Total chance meeting (described in the book). After the “Testimony Africa is more than a book post” and after I had sent a check from book sales to support the work Rhoda helped started in Southern Sudan, I got an email from her:
“I heard that ALARM is going to hire a Lady to work with the Lietnhom women for the time being. I am really happy that your gift for them is going to work. I have a heart to visit them some days if I got some money for transport because they are very important in my life and I hope one day I will return to help them.”
And then another:
“Thank you a lot for the cooperation and hospitality you have shown and the love of God you have for all people. You have a waken my hope and my life and I got a courage that I can do good things in life.”
People, making a difference is possible. It may not be much or change the world overnight. BUT, any time you help someone move forward in a good, better way in life, you tilt the pendulum in the direction of good. And for that, no one can find fault with what you do. So go for it!