Yesterday I got this photograph from Brian Sytsma at World Vision, who was with me on the Testimony Africa trip in which we interviewed Babirye, one of the “heroes” of the book (she is in the middle). I had sent the book long ago, but as is usually the case in communications between here and Africa, it took some time before ever finding out if it actually made it there. I am so glad to see that it did, and that she is all smiles and doing well. Thank you Brian, and thanks to all of you who have supported the Testimony work!
Lately I have been asked to shoot the Colorado College Tiger hockey team. Love it. Very fun assignments, and I appreciate doing something different than getting on a plane and flying to Africa. Here is an image from last weekend, where CC (who is ranked #6 nationally) beat St. Cloud here in Colorado. The shot below is of a CC goal. Click the photo to get the big fat image!
One Epic Trip
As promised, I am going to post some photos from the week my family spent in Arkansas with close friends the Andersens (it is their ranch that you see) and the Jacksons. For my son Henry, who as you can see below caught his first fish, there were many first-time events, mostly mechanical in nature. See if you can spot a few more in the film after the photo.
When we told people we were going to spend a week in Arkansas, they invariably said “Why? What is in Arkansas?!?” But after setting foot at Mill Creek, there was no doubt: this is a great place, and coupled with some of our best friends, it made for an epic trip. I loved taking the camera around the whole week, capturing fun little moments and some of the very best portraits I have ever taken of my wife and kids. Regardless, enjoy this little glimpse into the Sheridan world when it collides with a beautiful place and great friends…
Yes, I Am Writing Again
With the successful publication of Testimony Africa, I have book fever. Last month I began work on a new book about San Diego-based graffiti artist Erik Wahl, and it is going to be VERY COOL.I have been making trips to SoCal to shoot and interview Erik and his lovely wife Tasha (that’s them above–I shot that last week in Balboa Park) and the process has been great fun. I have several more trips planned and along the way pal Clinton Carlson will help art direct the design and I will write and photo edit. Look for the finished book early 2012!
The Gift Catalog Among Gift Catalogs
Okay, I will go ahead and say it: there are an awful lot of gift catalogs out there these days in the non-profit world. I am going to take some credit (or blame!) for making that happen, as I wrote the item descriptions years ago for the World Vision gift catalog that went on to become a virtual cash cow for WV. Loved doing it. But then similar catalogs–and item descriptions!–began showing up everywhere.
Fast forward to just today and I get an email from IJM’s Amy Lucia showing me a photo I took in Rwanda as the “cover” photo for the new IJM gift catalog. Of course I think the photo is great. But then I took a look at the catalog. People, it ROCKS. It is THE gift catalog among gift catalogs. So check it out and see if there is something in it you like. I can tell you from having my eyes on the actual recipients and my boots on the ground in the field that it is a good deal and really does make a difference. Go for it.